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Shenzhen High School of Science

Shenzhen Science High School is a public senior high school directly under the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Education, the first science high school in China, located in Bantian Street, Longgang District, founded in March 2012. According to information on the school's official website in February 2021, Shenzhen Science High School has nearly 3,000 students enrolled and covers an area of more than 120,000 square meters.

Jiangxi Yongxiu stadium

The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Huadu The people's Park


Santa Nankai Middle School

Guangzhou Sport University

Affiliated High School of South China Normal University

The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University (SCNU), abbreviated as Huafu in Chinese, is among the first schools designated as a “State-Level Model High School”, the only one of its kind that is co-managed by the Ministry of Education of Guangdong Province and South China Normal University. With Guangdong Olympiad School (supervised by Guangdong Education Department) as a constituent part, Huafu is also honored with the title of “The Red Army School Affiliated to South China Normal University”. 

Guangzhou Asa International School


Guangzhou Zhixin Middle School Zengcheng Experimental School


Shanwei Campus of South China Normal University


Wenzhou Polytechnic


Xining sports center

Xining Sports Center Pavilion Area covers an area of 40,000 square meters, which is a 35-meter-high, 68-meter-long ground floor, 56-meter-wide, 11,064-square-meter main building, can accommodate more than 8,000 spectators of sports buildings, is one of the largest gymnasiums in Northwest China.


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